Cairns Regional Council
Arts & Cultural Infrastructure Grant
The Cairns Regional Council has given our club an incredible grant of $50,000 to extend our clubhouse to include a dedicated Jewellery Room.
This is brilliant and supplemented with funds from our club we now have this fabulous area in which our members can create beautiful jewellery and also in which we can incorporate our educational training facilities.
With a dedicated jewellery workshop area the club will be able to meet the growing demand of students wanting to learn and become proficient in jewellery fabrication and metal casting in a safe environment.
How great it is that during the last few months we didn’t get distracted and instead continued to put our heads down and remain focused. As a result we have become a strong, combined and solid club.
Due to this we are delighted to share with you the news that the new Jewellery Room extension has been completed and is debt free.
A big thank you to Damien Hyde, Smith & Sons Renovations & Extensions Cairns South, for a wonderful pain free experience in building this extension. Damien, Adam and their team were very professional. There were no unexpected costs which was a great relief to the club and there were no dramas.
Also a big thank you to Christl Lohrum our Architect from Bau designs Architects for giving us just what we wanted, again without drama.
We are continuing the examples set by our past members when every stage of our clubhouse’s building growth has been debt free upon completion of that stage.
We are so excited and can't wait until we are all happily working away in our new environment.
Thank you once again to the Cairns City Council Arts & Cultural Infrastructure Grant committee for their wonderful support.
Before the extension.
The completed extension.